Ormond Beach to still hold City Commission meeting Tuesday

The city continues to function as usual, but preventative measures are being put into place.

As of March 13, Florida has 45 cases of COVID-19. Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
As of March 13, Florida has 45 cases of COVID-19. Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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As city staff continue to monitor the coronavirus situation at the local level, the city of Ormond Beach announced that, while the city is functioning as normal, emergency plans and mitigation strategies to slow the transmission of the virus are being put into place.

The city has added more hand sanitizing stations throughout city facilities, distributed cleaning supplies to departments to clean and disinfect surfaces used frequently, scheduled professional cleaning and disinfectant services prior to public meetings, and increasing the frequency of cleaning services for city facilities, according to a press release. As of right now, all scheduled public meetings — including the March 17 City Commission meeting and workshop — will be held. Community events and activities scheduled through the end of March are being evaluated and will be canceled, if needed. 

For employees, the city announced that meetings may be cancelled or conducted by phone, and all outside meetings and conferences are cancelled through April 3. Any employee displaying flu-like symptoms are being required to stay home and only return to work once cleared by a physician. 

Residents should: 

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick and stay home if you are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. Use alcohol-based sanitizer with 60% alcohol if soap is not readily available.
  •  Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

The city has also put a hold on disconnecting utilities over missed payments until further notice, ensuring all customers will have access to water. In addition, residents are encouraged to use the city's online services, email and phone resources to deal with things like water bill payments, building permits and inspections, business tax receipts and recreation programs.

If you would like to share comments at the Tuesday, March 17, commission meeting, but is not comfortable attending, should email their comments to the city clerk at cityclerk@ormondbeach.org

This post was updated at 3:56 p.m. on March 13.


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