- January 20, 2025
Flagler Schools is preparing for its transition to virtual learning this coming week, Superintendent James Tager wrote in a letter to parents and staff March 23.
"No matter what classroom setting your child is in as we begin Virtual Learning on March 30, our teachers will communicate with their students to outline the procedures and expectations for this type of instruction," Tager wrote in the letter. (See the full letter at https://bit.ly/2WFLiDb, and other messages from Tager at https://bit.ly/2UdMjRw.)
Students will still be graded on their work and attendance, and will receive credit for courses they complete. Dual-enrolled students should work with their college to determine how coursework will proceed.
All year-end testing is cancelled, but the Florida Department of Education has provided the following guidance, Tager wrote:
● Current seniors: If a senior is expected to graduate in spring 2020 and has not met the exit criteria for Algebra I EOC and/or Grade 10 ELA FSA, or earned a concordant score, this criteria will be waived. However, students still must earn the necessary credits and meet the 2.0 GPA requirement to graduate.
● Non-seniors: The Department is waiving the requirement for non-senior students who are currently enrolled in a course that requires an EOC to take the associated EOC. However, non-seniors who have yet to pass the Grade 10 FSA ELA must still meet the exit criteria by passing that assessment during a future administration or earning a concordant score. Though non-senior students enrolled in the EOC course of Algebra 1 are not required to take the Algebra 1 EOC, they must still meet the mathematics assessment graduation requirement by either passing the Algebra 1 EOC (offered four times each year) during a future administration, earning a concordant score, or passing the Geometry EOC during a future administration.
● Grade 3 promotion: Generally, the Grade 3 ELA FSA is a key component districts use to make promotion decisions. Since this data will not be available due to the cancellation of statewide assessments for the 2019-2020 school year, promotion decisions should be made in consultation with parents, teachers, and school leaders based on the students’ classroom performance and progress monitoring data.
● 30% for final grade: For students currently enrolled in courses that include a statewide EOC to be factored into the student’s grade, this requirement will be waived. Districts have the discretion to determine whether district-developed EOC assessments are necessary for these courses for the 2019-2020 school year. In keeping with this, CDFs (local common district finals) also will not be administered.
Students may use their home computers or school-issued laptops for virtual learning, and the district will provide temporary devices for students who don't already have one, including for K-3 students and current day-use users, Tager wrote.
"The content and platforms we are using during this timeare web-based and can be accessed through most laptops, computers, Chromebooks or tablets," Tager wrote. He added that the district will provide a list of needed apps later in the week.
Spectrum is offering free broadband and Wi-Fi for 60 days to homes with K-12 or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription. Installation fees will be waived. To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395.
Spectrum will also open its Wi-Fi hotspots for public use, and the district is partnering with T-Mobile and Sprint to provide hotspots to families who need them. Some cell services are also offering more data and hotspot access through cell phones, and residents are encouraged to check with their cell provider.