- March 9, 2025
by: Julie Murphy
Public Information Officer, Flagler County
Flagler County is using assets like its FireFlight helicopter to monitor beach and resort areas to ensure residents and visitors are in compliance with the social distancing standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC).
The CDC guidelines stipulate that all gatherings should be limited to 10 people or fewer, and 6 feet of distance should be maintained.
“We are using all the tools we have at our disposal – which includes asking for help from our law enforcement partners, like the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office – to ensure everyone is following public health guidelines and the Emergency Order closing the beach and parks,” said Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord. “FireFlight is now going up at least twice a day to check on things.”
An Emergency Order was signed Sunday to close the beach and parks facilities. Under the order, there is no delineation between public and private beaches per Florida Statute Section 252.46(2).
“For the most part, it appears people are adhering to the Emergency Order to close the beaches and parks,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “For those that are not following the orders, we are patrolling the beaches on an ATV and educating beachgoers of the Emergency Order and the need to practice social distancing during this time. If businesses are not complying with the various orders the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation along with the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco are being notified.”
Officials urge all residents and businesses to follow Florida Department of Health and CDC guidance, to include: frequent hand washing; staying home when possible; and, avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
Additionally, those who are sick and/or told to self-isolate should: remain at home unless seeking medical care, cover coughs and sneezes, wear a facemask around others, and disinfect touched surfaces daily.
Anyone with government services questions should call Flagler County’s main telephone line to get further clarification, 386-313-4000.
All COVID-19 related questions should be directed to the hotline, 866-779-6121.
Check for current information on Flagler County’s website www.flaglercounty.org, and follow “Flagler County Government” or “Flagler County Emergency Management” on Social Media. The county’s social media team will provide updates through these official accounts:
Flagler County Government
Flagler County Emergency Management