- December 20, 2024
Dear editor:
Beware of developers bearing gifts.
The developer of the proposed Avalon Park Daytona Beach mega mess on the west side of Tymber Creek Road has indicated he will replace the two-lane bridge on LPGA Boulevard over the Tomoka River with a four-lane structure as part of the incentive to get approval from Volusia County and Daytona Beach to secure a $75 million bond. This bond will provide immediate funds to create the Hand Avenue Extension (in Ormond Beach from Williamson Boulevard over I-95 through the wetlands to Tymber Creek Road). Also in the mix is the hope of no resident vote on this multi-million dollar bond request.
Avalon will consist of 10,000 homes and 1 million square feet of commercial area on 2,600 acres. Without counting the commercial, that is approximately four homes per acre. Even with 50% of those intended homes being single family, the other 50% is multifamily. Now, the development will be in the city of Daytona Beach. Therefore, we Ormond Beach residents have no say over that situation.
Putting the development of Avalon in perspective, this venture would be bigger than Latitude Margaritaville, the new Publix commercial complex and Mosaic combined.
Yes, the LPGA bridge over the Tomoka River needs to be replaced. But, no, Ormond residents don't need to inherit a massive traffic problem from the new development.
Effectively, the Hand Avenue Extension will complicate our already overloaded infrastructure by funneling traffic on Hand Avenue from Williamson Boulevard to Clyde Morris Boulevard to Nova Road — diverting this newfound traffic north and south at each of those intersections. The loser is Ormond Beach. Compounding the issue is the fact Hand Avenue east of Nova Road to the Halifax River is residential and primarily consists of two-lane traffic (with a slight exception due east and west of U.S. 1). This area is not geared to be a "feeder" to beachside. There is absolutely no space on either side of the Halifax River to accommodate another bridge.
You all must speak up. This new development, as planned with the inclusion of the Hand Avenue extension, could be the demise of Ormond Beach as we know it. Voice your opinion against the $75 million bond to fund the construction of a bridge from Hand Avenue over I-95 and call for a public vote.
We cannot leave this up to our county and city officials to represent us in this matter — because they don't! Any vote in favor of this bond approval is a vote against you and your city. A city official that votes for this project is, essentially, a traitor to our city. Ormond Beach has nothing to gain by this Hand Avenue extension.
Ed Kolaska
Ormond beach