- March 3, 2025
Residents and visitors to City Hall and other city facilities will notice changes in the wake of COVID-19. The city of Palm Coast reopened City Hall, located at 160 Lake Ave., on Oct. 5 at 8 a.m.
When entering City Hall, visitors will be greeted by a member of the Flagler Sheriff’s Office C.O.P. (Citizen Observer Patrol). Visitors will be required to wear a mask and be medically screened through a temperature check and a brief medical questionnaire. A mask can be provided if needed. From there, visitors will proceed to the customer service ‘bump out’ desk, with glass affixed to the counter, for direction to other areas of city hall.
Rooms at city hall vary in size, and therefore, there are different requirements for the maximum number of people for each room and in total throughout the building.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Customer Service at city hall is open to the right of the front doors. As lines form, please stay six feet apart. The Customer Service area at the main utility offices at 2 Utility Drive will remain closed to the public, however, the call center is permanently open from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. until further notice.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Clear glass barriers have been affixed to the desks at the building and permitting counter in the Community Development Department. There are floor markings and line dividers to guide the public where to wait for assistance.
The first in-person city council meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 6 p.m.
CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER: City Council meetings will be held as a hybrid format of in-person and through Zoom technology. Inside the main city council chamber, visitors will see plastic barriers between council seats. A partition will separate the main room into two, the second area where workshops are normally held will be used as overflow space. The Waterfront Room next door will also be used as overflow space. Televisions will be present to watch the meeting.
VIRTUAL: Members of the public wishing to participate in the October city council meeting may listen and make comments during the public comment portion of the meeting by calling 386-223-1690.
Employees entering city facilities must also be medically screened through temperature checks and a brief medical questionnaire. They must also wear a mask/face covering in all common areas and where six feet of distance cannot be maintained between people.
Parks and Recreation previously announced reopening details for the community center. Those can be found on PalmCoastConnect.com.
Please remember to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for washing your hands, social distancing, and facial coverings.
The City of Palm Coast will continue to update its reopening strategy in accordance with recommendations from the CDC, Florida Department of Health and from Governor DeSantis.
Visit Palm Coast Connect at www.palmcoastconnect.com for the latest City of Palm Coast updates and local testing locations. There you can submit questions or concerns to customer service or call them at 386-986-2360.
COVID-19 health related questions or concerns should be directed to your regular healthcare provider or the Florida Health hotline at 866-779-6121.
COVID-19 business concerns should be directed to the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation at 866-532-1440.