- January 17, 2025
As of Tuesday morning, Aug. 10, Flagler County was placed in the “cone” of what is likely to become Tropical Storm Fred. With the rapid approach of the peak of the hurricane season, this system serves as a reminder that it is never too early to be prepared. At the very least, the tropical system is likely to put a damper on this weekend’s weather.
“August and September tend to be very active months for tropical depressions and storms, so it’s a good idea to be as prepared as possible,” said Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord. “It is possible that we may see impacts in our area this weekend.”
Lord is asking businesses and residents to use Wednesday through Friday to ensure disaster supply kits are stocked, and to secure outdoor items that could become projectiles.
“Now is the time to ensure that your home is prepared, your disaster supply kit is stocked, and that you know where you will go if you are told to evacuate,” Lord said. “It is too early to tell what impacts, if any, Fred will have on our community. But, you can take some comfort if you have taken the time to prepare and make plans for the potential of a tropical storm or hurricane.”
Residents should take a moment to determine if their homes are located within a hurricane evacuation zone.
Evacuation zones are alphabetically named A, B, C, D, E, and F. Do not confuse zones B, C, and F with the Palm Coast neighborhood sections. This information is available on the county website www.flaglercounty.gov/emergency and also by using the Flagler County Neighborhood App and typing the address in the upper left-hand search bar. This application is also accessible on any smart device as U-Gov Flagler, available as a free download for both iPhone and Android platforms.
If an evacuation is called for, traveling hundreds of miles is likely to be unnecessary. A short trip out of the evacuation zone to the home of a friend or relative – or a hotel – and quite possibly within Flagler County may be far enough.
“There are other things you can do now to safeguard your home,” Lord said. “Start thinking about the things you can do to protect what is probably your largest financial investment.”
Suggestions include the following:
Stay informed by signing up for Alert Flagler at www.flaglercounty.gov/alertflagler.
For more information go to www.flaglercounty.gov/emergency and follow Emergency Management on social media at: