- February 21, 2025
by: Diane Smith
Food Brings Hope
In its second year as a Food Brings Hope FBHonors program, Bunnell Elementary maintains a strong focus on STEM projects. Recent activities ranged from using sample paint strips to decorate a paper bag turkey with feathers featuring multiplication facts to creating Christmas tree structures using gumdrops and toothpicks.
In another activity, students were given a single piece of paper and 20 minutes and were tasked with making the longest paper chain. Students also learned about liquid and density using honey, dish soap, water, oil, and rubbing alcohol using graduated cylinders to determine which was most dense by observing the way the liquids separated and floated on top of each other.
A popular activity among the students was taste testing white and yellow American cheese from four different companies to decide which one the students liked the best. Using a rubric, they ranked them based on criteria such as color, texture, and creaminess, and then shared their evaluation and ranking with their peers.
Samantha Butarelli, FBHonors program sponsor, shared that the students absolutely love the STEM projects they do in their club!
The Farshad Babazadeh Honors (FBHonors) program was developed during the 2011-2012 school year to meet the needs of high achieving students who are homeless or from low socioeconomic families. Targeted students are provided rigorous academic and personal enrichment opportunities engaging them in creative and analytical thinking. FBHonors begins in fourth grade at select schools and continues through high school.
For more information about Food Brings Hope and the FBHonors program, please visit FoodBringsHope.org or contact Judi Winch, Executive Director, Food Brings Hope at 386/843-1161 or [email protected].