- January 30, 2025
There will be no proms, graduation bashes or other large-group senior activities this year, announced Volusia County Schools on Friday, Jan. 19. However, graduation ceremonies will proceed in June with social distancing in place.
According to an announcement by the district, "high schools will plan alternatives to prom and other traditional activities to make the end of senior year special for graduates," per Dr. Gabriel Berrio, VCS assistant superintendent for high schools.
District leaders are working with the Department of Health and are using guidance set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to make decisions regarding senior actitivies.
“There is no way to safely social-distance at a dance,” said Volusia County Health Department Administrator Patricia Boswell in the announcement.
The graduations for Class of 2021 will follow the same model used for Class of 2020 and will be held at the Ocean Center. Attendance will be limited, with up to two tickets for each senior available for purchase through their high schools. Ceremonies will be livestreamed and later posted on the district website.
Seabreeze High School's graduation is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. on June 4; Mainland's is scheduled at 4 p.m. on June 4.