- March 6, 2025
Dear Editor: We attended the mayoral forum at the Community Center and were appreciative of hearing from the candidates, and the Tiger Bay Club for hosting it.
What is troubling is that there are two of the six candidates who have decided not to engage with the people they want to represent in person or by answering questions.
Alan Lowe’s fans decided to wave to us coming and going from the Community Center, but your candidate refused to engage with residents of Palm Coast by answering questions or meeting in person.
I hope residents take pride in Palm Coast and read about the candidates and vote responsibly in the mayor election.
Colleen Briedis
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I truly appreciated your article, “Who should be Palm Coast’s next mayor?” published in the June 24 edition, and the letter to the editor from Ms. Diamond. Thank you.
Isn’t it strange that Mr. Lowe declined your interview and declined to participate in the forum on June 23 sponsored by the Tiger Bay Club?
This speaks volumes about Mr. Lowe. Hopefully the residents of Palm Coast will see past Mr. Lowe’s many signs and realize he is not the proper candidate to be our next mayor.
Linda Hauanio
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
In the community, on social media, and elsewhere, there has been a lot of controversy swirling around the past of Palm Coast mayoral candidate Alan Lowe, both last year when he made a failed run for mayor and recently with the upcoming special election.
The Observer, FlaglerLive.com, and the Daytona News-Journal all reported on some of the controversies.
But the concerns are so numerous and varied that it is difficult to get a full picture of who Lowe is or was.
However, one source voters can easily access online is the Flagler County court re cords, where there are multiple filings about Mr. Lowe’s past philosophy, his views on being a citizen, his religious beliefs, personal and business financial matters, and a clash with the IRS.
Most of the documents were filed by Alan Lowe himself.
With little effort, voters can see and digest the controversy’s source documents themselves at https://flaglerclerk.com.
They can then decide if they feel comfortable with Lowe’s past or if the documentary evidence is job disqualifying.
Robert Gordon
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Surprise, surprise. Alan Lowe declined to participate in a non-partisan forum at the Flagler Tiger Bay Club and an invitation for an interview with this paper’s publisher, John Walsh.
What could be more telling about this candidate? Does he know he can not defend his record of not voting in any election until 2020, or his past statements about being a “sovereign citizen? ”
Instead he is relying on buying his way into being Palm Coast mayor with an advertising campaign, plastering his name all over th place instead of answering questions.
Citizens should demand more than PR from a candidate.
William Campion
Palm Coast