- January 8, 2025
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Dear Editor:
City Councilman Ed Danko's recent rant at a City Council meeting where he hurled accusations, unproven at this time, as well as threatened the city attorney and interim city manager, are an embarrassment to the people of District 1, who elected him to represent us.
His personal issues with past administrations as well as possible legal problems regarding his behavior has led to his failure to concentrate on current and future issues which directly affect the very people who elected him.
The issues of infrastructure improvements to keep up with booming growth, the failure of swales and the current storm water issues, and economic growth by bringing in higher paying jobs are a few of the issues he was elected to change. These and others are the issues we face in District 1, not Danko's present legal problems or issues regarding past city administrations. It is time for Danko to do the job he was elected for or resign.
Mike West
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
This July 4th weekend was particularly noisy. Some inconsiderate neighbors continued, as they have in previous years, to ignore Palm Coast’s fireworks ordinance and demonstrated a blatant disregard for every living creature — human and otherwise. Their perverse fascination with the very loudest and most annoying explosions was on full display.
This year, more than in previous years, upset residents tried to fight back a bit by calling in close to 90 complaints to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. The remaining multitude of frazzled, annoyed and sleepless residents knew that the cops don’t have the will to act on their complaints, have resigned themselves to that reality, and didn’t call.
And sure enough, as usual, the FCSO's records show no arrests, no ordinance citations issued, and no confiscation of illegal fireworks.
A July 4th holiday should include anticipation of a pleasant celebration with family and friends but instead, sadly it continues to be a date to dread for so many — and that shouldn't be.
Robert Gordon
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
The city of Palm Coast may be in the midst of potentially the greatest political crisis of our 22-year existence. City residents only have had to attend any recent council meeting, watch it on video, or read about it in the Observer to see the mayhem that we are calling local government.
Council members arguing including personal insults. Threats of firing long serving city employees and after the election ganging up with a newly elected mayor to run roughshod over the charter and anything that displeases is no way for our city to be maintained.
Having worked with the now new city manager, Denise Bevan, over the years, I can attest to her highest level of professionalism in her work to better Palm Coast. We need the highest level of city management especially now as we are growing like crazy.
I urge every voter to think about what they want from our local government. Bickering, backstabbing, blustering is not where we have ever been or should be now. Ganging up to fire the city professionals, cancel valuable city programs, and implement a policy of intimidation belongs somewhere maybe, but certainly not in the mayor or City Council of Palm Coast.
Jeffery C. Seib
Palm Coast