Wait, worms? Puppies, kittens and how to protect them from parasites

Puppies or kittens should be set up on a vaccination and deworming schedule from the age of 8 weeks old.

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  • | 4:40 a.m. October 1, 2021
Puppy rescued by FHS from hookworm infection. Courtesy photo
Puppy rescued by FHS from hookworm infection. Courtesy photo
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by: Katie Share

Flagler Humane Society

You can’t beat the excitement of getting a new puppy or kitten. The cuteness! The puppy breath! The kitten playing with a toy! The worms!

Wait. What? Worms?

Internal parasites are included in that puppy or kitten package. So what do you do now that you have the new puppy or kitten? Puppies or kittens should be set up on a vaccination and deworming schedule from the age of 8 weeks old. Let’s talk about internal parasites and what you can do to rid your new family member of them. Two animals were also recently treated by the Flagler Humane Society, but only one survived.


About the 'worms'

Hookworms are intestinal parasites that live and thrive in the digestive system of your pet. The hookworm attaches itself to the lining of the intestinal wall and will feed on your pet’s blood. Its eggs are released into the digestive tract and then pass into your environment through your pet’s feces. Hookworms feast on blood and cause internal blood loss. It is a serious threat to dogs, especially young puppies or kittens that may not survive the blood loss without the aid of transfusions. Hookworms can be fatal to young pets.

Roundworms are common; almost all puppies become infected with them at some point in their lives. Your puppy may be infected with roundworms from birth, as the mother can pass the parasite to the puppy while still pregnant. They can develop in a puppy after birth when the puppy eats larvated eggs from their environment or ingests worm larvae from the mother's milk. They usually can be passed through the body if the proper wormers are administered but can be fatal if the roundworms get stuck in the intestines.

Tapeworms are long, flat worms that can attach themselves to your pet’s intestines. A tapeworm body is made up of multiple segments, each with its own reproductive organs. Tapeworms can be visible in fecal matter and are usually diagnosed by finding the segments, which look like pieces of rice. Tapeworms usually come after the pet ingests a flea, so it is vital that your new pet be on a flea prevention.

Puppy rescued by FHS from hookworm infection. Courtesy photo
Puppy rescued by FHS from hookworm infection. Courtesy photo


Local cases

The Flagler Humane Society recently had a few cases of internal parasite infestation that threatened the lives of a few animals. The first was a young puppy that was picked up by Flagler Animal Services when an anonymous caller said the puppy was lying on the side of the road. It ended up needing a blood transfusion due to severe hookworm infestation.

The second was a kitten that was fine in the morning but lethargic and not wanting to move by afternoon. The kitten was rushed to a veterinarian who administered dewormer and fluids, but the damage had already been done and the kitten died. A necropsy was done, and the kitten was found to have roundworms that blocked his intestines and led to sepsis.

These are just a few of the most common internal parasites that young pets can be infected with. This is why it is important to have a deworming schedule in place as soon as you get your new furry family member.



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