- March 13, 2025
Dear Editor:
I read your last article about letting the people do a survey on dredging the area in the C-section. I think before they start doing anything to get a handful of boats out to open water, they need to fix the roads and swales in Palm Coast.
When dredging these canals, where do you stop? How deep? How wide?
If you bought a lot or a home in that area, you should’ve asked that question: Can I get my boat out? If you didn’t, you’re not a real boater. And you’ve wasted your money. If you paid $600,000-$700,000 for a home in the canal and you don’t know if your boat will get in and out, that’s your problem.
And if they really want to dredge, those people in that area should be given a special tax to handle their needs and not the rest of the city; after all, who benefits from it? There are still roads in the city of Palm Coast that need paint to separate the lanes. Just drive down Wellington.
Terry Webb
Palm Coast
Dear Editor.
We need a way to provide everyone the vaccines, so that the world is protected against the coronavirus.
First, I believe that the process of making the vaccine should be sped up so they are distributed to more places and no place can say that they are out of vaccine.
Second, vaccines should be put in more poor parts of the world and made where other people can get it. The whole world needs to have immunity, not just people with money.
Third, I think that scientists should also make it where getting one vaccination is enough so it can work around people’s schedules better with not getting a second shot.
Parker Dowda
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Public education is under siege in America. The radical right — conservative Christian warriors, Trumpistas, QAnon conspiracists, and angry radical Republicans — are attacking school boards, administrators and teachers, across this nation. They're running for local offices, and they're winning.
Their aim is to eliminate any curriculum and any book that addresses history, science, slavery, sexuality or anything else — or anyone — in a way that conflicts with their rosy red view of America. What we are experiencing is the growth of the American Taliban.
This is terrorism by the minority. They win because they threaten, they intimidate and they physically attack those who get in their way. And they organize!
Those who lack the bravery to stand up to this takeover by the radical minority are enabling the radical Republican right to destroy the public school system that has taken almost 200 years to build.
It is time for good citizens everywhere to fight this egregious takeover. It is time to speak up and stand up for our public schools and preserve the education system that helped build the American middle class and that sustains our democracy today. Get mad and get in the fight!
Mike Cocchiola
Palm Coast