- January 19, 2025
Repaving Granada Boulevard (State Road 40) in Ormond Beach from U.S. 1 to A1A is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2023, according to the Florida Department of Transportation.
The FDOT presented a public webinar on the project on Aug. 9. The presentation can be seen at the project website at cflroads.com/project/447105-1.
The project will cover a 1.5-mile stretch, but repaving will not include the Granada Bridge.
In addition to repaving, plans include encouraging slower speeds on the busy stretch by narrowing travel lanes, adding raised crosswalks at mid-block crossings and introducing subtle alignment shifts.
Traffic signals at Ridgewood Avenue and A1A will be upgraded with new mast arms. Intersection safety will be enhanced with upgraded curb ramps and intersection lighting.
The new mid-block crossings with pedestrian-activated signals will be at Washington Street and two on beachside — east of Vining Court and west Bovard Avenue.
Other plans include three new mid-block crossings to improve pedestrian mobility. There is currently only one mid-block crossing along the route and none east of the Granada Bridge. The new mid-block crossings with pedestrian-activated signals will be at Washington Street and two on beachside — east of Vining Court and west Bovard Avenue.
The crosswalks will also have overhead and in-road lightning. The Washington Street and Vining Court crossings will include directional median openings. The current mid-block crossing between Ridgewood Avenue and Beach Street will be upgraded.
The project proposes to change the full median opening at Washington Street to a bi-directional opening. Vehicles will be able to turn right or left onto Washington Street. Vehicles on Washington Street, however, will only be allowed to turn right onto Granada Boulevard.
The proposed typical section will include two 10-foot wide travel lanes in each direction and a 12- to 20-foot wide median.
The existing sidewalks and parking will remain and all improvements will be constructed within the existing right-of-way.
The design of the project is expected to be completed by the spring of 2023 at a cost of $1.36 million. Construction is estimated to begin in the summer of 2023 at an estimated cost of $5.38 million.
The FDOT is encouraging input and feedback about the project. Public comment and questions received by Aug. 23 will be part of the public meeting record. Questions and comments can be submitted to the project website, sent to project manager Ty Garner at [email protected], mailed or delivered in person at the Florida Department of Transportation, 7195 Woodland Blvd., MS 542, DeLand FL 32720 or by calling the project manager at 386-943-5299.