- January 5, 2025
Email letters to [email protected].
Dear Editor:
On the matter of the Lakeview Estates item at the recent Planning, Land Development Review Board meeting, there are numerous facts you appear not to have reported.
First, Mr. Michael Chiumento, his client and the city are acting like the proposed development will save the neighborhood from arsenic. In point of fact, the arsenic does not need to be cleaned up, if the area is left alone and undisturbed. Arsenic left undisturbed is not a problem. It only becomes a problem when the arsenic is dug up and gets airborne.
Also, Estelle Lens, the city planning employee who presented the Planning Department's findings on the master site plan, told the board that the planning staff's finding was that "The proposed development poses no unreasonable hazard, nuisance, nor does it constitute a threat to the general health, welfare or safety of the city's inhabitants.”
Ms. Lens cannot possibly attest to such a statement. The facts are these: The soil tests were, in their own description “limited"; they only drilled down to 2 feet, while the Florida Department of Environmental Protection requires testing all the way down to the water table.
In addition, from the limited soil test that was done, 27 of the 100 test holes on the old driving range showed levels of arsenic above the safe, allowed residential levels. The safe residential level is 2.1 mcg/kg. These 27 holes showed as much as 7.5 mcg/kg.
Until comprehensive testing is completed to the satisfaction of the FDEP, and a remediation plan is submitted and approved by that agency, and the retesting at the completion of the remediation shows all cores have safe levels of arsenic, petroleum distillates and any other contaminant, no on can make such an attestation truthfully!
The master site plan also contradicts the approved MPD Agreement between the city and developer. I spoke with Mr. Tyner on the day before the PLDRB meeting and he agreed with me that parts of the MSP were in conflict with the MPD. Why did Mr. Tyner and his staff agree to violate a legal agreement?
Why did the PLDRB ignore the Plan they approved 13 months ago?
That was the plan they sent to the City Council for their approval; why did they abandon it?
Why is the developer being allowed to build on areas that are designated VPZ (Visual Protection Zone)?
This entire PLDRB hearing was premature. Are we going to allow the city to ignore their own procedures?
Michael Martin
Palm Coast
Editor’s Note: The city of Palm Coast responded this way: “The city does not have the authority to regulate contaminant removal, or prohibit building after a remediation plan is approved by Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Construction on the site may not occur without a Preliminary Plat Development Order approved by City Council. The applicant has not applied for this next step.”
Before that step, the city stated, the applicant must “demonstrate that Tract 1 is or shall be free from environmental hazards and safe for human occupation as regulated by Federal, State and local law.”
Also, the city stated: “As approved, no buildings are permitted in the View Protection Zone.”
Dear Editor:
There is no place for racketball players to play our favorite game in Palm Coast.
How about destroy the Tennis Courts at Belle Terre and replace them with racquetball courts for seniors?
There are only two dilapidated courts behind Buddy Taylor Middle School, and we feel embarrassed when we see the four beautiful courts at the Wadsworth Park in Flagler Beach.
Segundo Gudiño
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
On Belle Terre Parkway, I was behind an SUV with about eight bumper stickers on it, such as TRUMP 2020, TRUMP 2024. It made my day; there's hope for us after all.
Douglas R. Glover
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Two weeks ago a man said that he wanted to explain why he voted for Biden. He then went on to tell us many reasons why he did not vote for Joe. His "reasons" were nothing more than a list of why he hated President Trump. So actually his vote was against Trump and not for Biden. This man would have voted for anyone or anything the Dems put on the ballot. And look at what he inflicted on us.
Ed Mummert
Palm Coast