- January 5, 2025
Dear Editor:
It is time for the city to get with the county and develop a landfill out in west county to save all county residents some money. The faulty handling of the city trash contract should not be at the cost of taxpayers. Use the reserves the city has holed away to pay for the mistake, not my tax money.
Charles Hayes
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
April Fools … too bad the only fools are us! After years of poor service, countless fines and leaving more mess in the streets, our elected officials stuck a knife in the back of everyone who owns a home in Palm Coast.
I am bleeding green. First you raise our taxes. Then you approve every rooftop on every piece of vacant land.
Streets are crumbling, due to the massive dump trucks invading our city. And yet you have no clue on how to fix the traffic problem.
Yard waste pickup cut in half? Really? Where are we to put the branches and plumes? It's great to be a Tree City, but who’s gonna pick up the rest of the piles? You can't have it both ways. My yard waste is more than most others, because my neighbors and I have to pick up the crap on the land the city owns.
The City Council let us down again. I say vote them out.
Dennis C. Rathsam
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
After reading the Palm Coast Observer and seeing what kind of City Council we have, it makes you wonder why we should pay more for our waste pickup but get less service in return? A 47% increase — hitting the taxpayers in the pocket, especially the seniors in the community/
Who in there right mind wants to pay more and get less service?
We better wake up come election time.
Ken Klinkenberg
Palm Coast
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