- January 3, 2025
Dear Editor:
I love the Fourth of July as much as anyone, and all that it stands for. However, I have to question why citizens have to start setting off fireworks two or three days in advance, and why they are allowed to do it all day long and into the late night.
Do the individuals setting off the fireworks have any idea what the noise does to the dogs and cats in the area? Most dogs hide under beds or someplace for hours.
It is time to put limits on when fireworks can be set off. I know there is a law against setting off fireworks, yet they are readily available at some stores and even along the roadways.
Why does the city of Palm Coast allow these sales? Come on people, think about what you are doing.
Go enjoy the city’s fireworks display and save yourself some money by not setting off your own fireworks, thereby no longer stressing out our four-legged friends or possibly causing a fire or damage to personal property.
Then we can all truly enjoy this wonderful day.
Linda Hauanio
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I read a number of heartbreaking accounts on social media from numerous local area pet owners describing the terrified reactions their pets suffered as a result of loud fireworks explosions once again this year.
The local ordinances making fireworks illegal here in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach, alone, have clearly been not enough to discourage our neighbors from annoying others and traumatizing pets, especially given that our Sheriff’s Office seems to have little interest in enforcing the ordinances.
The Sheriff’s Office claims that they have to witness the perpetrators exploding the fireworks, or they just can’t find them after a complaint is called in.
Neither excuse suffices.
Illegal fireworks are often in clear view. With little effort simply following the noise, I have found them, and I have seen them being launched from yards or in the street.
And every year, after sleepless nights and a shaking puppy hiding under our bed, I call in complaints specifying the location.
What happens? Nothing. The sheriff is very good at catching sneaky drug dealers, thieves and elusive fugitive felons, but seemingly not so good at finding widespread illegal fireworks.
Just a couple of publicized citations or confiscations may offer a deterrent, since our pleadings for these inconsiderate lawbreaking neighbors to be respectful of others and their pets have sadly not worked.
Jill Stein
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Apparently we will have no fireworks this Fourth of July because the Flagler Beach city administration waited till April to book them.
Now we learn that Flagler Beach lost $739,000 dollars in a tourism grant from the Flagler County Tourism Board because City Manager Mr. William Whitson failed to apply for it, even after being given an extension.
His answer: “It just wasn’t enough time for me to apply.”
So, what’s more important than a free grant of that much money? Especially when we’re going to have to come up with an additional $2.5 million to complete building the new pier?
Maybe the job wasn’t a good fit, and maybe we should look for someone else who “has the time” to do their job.
Andy Sovia
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
After 25 years in Palm Coast I am glad to say I’ve never encountered a “gangbanger.”
However, I have met a number of elderly individuals who tell me their sight is bad and they can’t drive at night, and then proudly show me their concealed weapon.
I think my chances of being accidentally shot by one of them is greater than my probability of being attacked by a gangbanger.
Somehow, I just don’t think that is what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote: “A well regulated militia.”
Edith Campins
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
In response to Mike Cocchiola: Teachers are only asked if they want to be armed and trained to help defend the schools.
None have been forced or mandated.
So I would think that any teacher or school staff that wants to volunteer to be a safety officer probably would be willing to stand up to a shooter.
The media and many politicians overlook a basic tactic of protecting the schools: Install metal detectors and X-ray machines; one point of entry with an armed guard.
Isn’t this what we do to secure our airports, government buildings and sports arenas?
I am sure there are many retired law enforcement and military who would gladly volunteer to help out.
In response to Douglas Glover: I am also of the age where I am too old to run and too young to die.
A good guy with a gun is always a good option, and I don’t expect anyone who doesn’t like guns to be forced to carry one.
Vince Gallo
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Let me be clear that I am an NPA, not a fan of either of the two major political parties, definitely not a fan of County Commissioner Joe Mullins, nor do I wish to see him continue on the commission.
With that said, I do not think this campaign encouraging Democrats to switch parties in order to be able to vote for Leann Pennington in the Republican primary is appropriate.
Although not at the same scale, how is this effort to dishonestly influence the outcome of a free and fair election any different in spirit than efforts to dishonestly influence, and even alter in post-election, the outcome of our 2020 election?
How does this effort not undermine the integrity of our elections and not contribute to further disenfranchising voters?
Would it be appropriate and right if the situation was reversed?
What is even more discouraging is the candidate, Pennington, remaining silent. Silence can be interpreted as support, even if the excuse is, “I didn’t know.” Her silence calls into question her ethics, integrity and trustability.
Bottom line is this practice isn’t appropriate, regardless of party.
Believe me, I 100% abhor the Republican Party and what it has allowed itself to become, but election integrity and not disenfranchising voters is extremely important to our democracy.
It truly sad that when we as voters are left to make a choice among who is less unethical and lacking in integrity.
Brad M. West
Palm Coast