- February 5, 2025
If you would like to submit a Veteran of the Week for publication, send the details below, and photos, to [email protected].
Daniel Maxwell was commissioned an active duty Ensign in May 1971, after completion of Naval Officer Candidate School. Soon after, he was assigned to the U.S.S. Mount Whiney for a Mediterranean deployment as an Air Intercept Control / Combat Information Center Officer. In 1974, Maxwell entered the Navy Reserve and actively served in various assignments as a commanding officer until his retirement in 1996. He and his wife Pam have lived in Palm Coast since 2011. Maxwell is a life member of the Military Officer Association of America and the Flagler County MOAA Chapter, for which he prepares a highly praised monthly newsletter. He is a member of the U.S. Naval Institute, a professional association. Maxwell is also an active member of the Palm Coast United Methodist Church and a former lay leader.
Need help with veteran services?
For information about benefits available to veterans and other support organizations, visit flaglercounty.gov/departments/veterans-services.