- March 13, 2025
Stars of the show included Tyler Giblin as Shrek, Ysa Boothman as Donkey, Mackinzie Rogan as Fiona, and Adrian Piotrowicz as Farquad. Courtesy photos
Beauty is in the eye of the ogre in "Shrek the Musical Jr." based on the Oscar-winning animated film and Broadway musical, and you can see the show performed live this weekend, by the Flagler Performing Arts Academy.
Shows are as June 24 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; June 25 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and June 26 at 7 p.m. General admission tickets are $15, VIP tickets are $25. The show is at the Social Club of Palm Coast, 51 N. Old Kings Road, Palm Coast. For tickets, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shrek-the-musical-jr-tickets-360765237537.
The show is directed by Ann Paris, with help from Associate Director Pat Love, Stage Manager Madelyn Considine, Technical Director Frank Considine, Tech-Camp Director Jacqueline Considine, and Costume Designers Sue Howden and Jodie Boothman.
Performers in the show included Tyler Giblin as Shrek, Ysa Boothman as Donkey, Mackinzie Rogan as Fiona, and Adrian Piotrowicz as Farquad.
The full list is as follows:
Storyteller 1 Annabelle Kocher (Sing Part 1)
Storyteller 2 Mallory Blackburn (Sing Part 2)
Storyteller 3 Ziva Boothman (Sing Part 2)
Storytellers 4-6 (Singing Storytellers): Gabbyhitt, Aaralyn Weeks, Delaney Garten (All 3 Singing Storytellers Sing Part1)
Mama Ogre: Chloe Williams
Papa Ogre: Noah Smith
Baby Ogre: Ransom Degraide
Shrek: Tyler Giblin
Donkey: Ysa Boothman
Captain: Sophia Purdy-Lenz
Pinnochio: Lorelei Killmer
Witch: Cannon Dowda
The 3 Pigs: Mallory Blackburn (Low), Miah Haymes (High), Halee Bedard (Low)
Peter Pan: Amadea Degraide
Ugly Duckling: Emma Zwirn
Mama Bear: Angelina Demaio
Papa Bear: Aliya Washington
Baby Bear: Brooklyn Welsh
Fairy: Soleil Degraide
Dragon: Angelina Demaio
Farquad: Adrian Piotrowicz
Gingy: Claire Sonecypher (Speaking Lines)
“Big” Bad Wolf: Sean Balseiro
Mad Hatter: Ziva Boothman
Rabbit: Hailee Bedard
Fiona: Mackinzie Rogan
Teen Fiona: Soleil Degraide
Young Fiona: Emily Robinson
Puss In Boots: Luke Ferraro
Bishop: Noah Smith
Dwarf: Annabelle Kocher
Duloc Citizens And Dancers: Victoriafraidin, Chloe Williams, Natalie, Smith, Siennamorris, Miah Haymes, Mandy Flaherty, Gabbyhitt, Annabelle Kocher, Kaelyn Voltoline,Aaralyn Weeks, Alexis Davis, Ari Jones, Ameliaaponte, Jenna Baldwin, Delaney Garten, Taramolinero, Jordan Welsh
Travelers: Carlin Blaine, Noah Smith, Jenna Baldwin, Mya Kelly, Ransom Degraide and Luke Ferraro (As Puss In Boots)
Travel Song Singer/Dancers: Victoria Fraidin, Mallory Blackburn, Natalie, Smith, Miah Haymes, Gabby Hitt, Annabelle Kocher, Kaelyn Voltoline, Aaralyn Weeks, Alexis Davis, Ari Jones, Amelia Aponte, Jenna Baldwin, Delaney Garten, Tara Molinero, Jordan Welsh, Hailee Bedard, Sean Balseiro, Aliya Washington, Lauren Rutledge, Palyn Prosser, Brooklyn Welsh
Knights: Noah Smith, Victoria Fraidin, Sienna Morris, Ziva Boothman, Mandy Flaherty, Chloe Williams, Sophia Purdy-Lenz, Aliya Washington
Morning Person Animals And Rats: Mya Kelly, Aaralyn Weeks, Alexis Davis, Ari Jones, Jenna Baldwin, Delaney Garten, Tara Molinero, Amelia Aponte, Claire Stonecypher, Jordan Welch, Anabelle Kocher, Luke Ferraro, Ransom Degraide, Miah Haymes, Mallory Blackburn (End Of Song Only), Emily Robinson, Amadea Degraide, Kaelyn Voltoline, Carlin Blaine, Brooklyn Welsh, Emma Zwirn, Gabby Hitt, Soleil Degraide, Sean Balseiro, Cannon Dowda, Luke Ferraro, Amadea Degraide, Claire Stonecypher, Lauren Rutledge, Palyn Prosser
Make A Move Dancers:Angelina Demaio-Dragon, Soleil Degraide, Natalie Smith, Sienna Morris, Sophia Purdy-Lenz, Sean Balseiro, Emily Robinson, Soleil Degraide