- January 15, 2025
by: Mark Jenkins
Spokesman, AAA - The Auto Club Group
AAA is providing fuel-saving tips as it appears the pain at the pump is about to intensify. View daily prices at GasPrices.AAA.com
The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine caused oil prices to surge above $110 a barrel for the first time in a decade. Oil is now $19/b more than Friday’s settlement. An increase of that magnitude could signal a 40-50 cent jump at the pump.
“The Russia-Ukraine conflict has intensified what was already a global oil market that was tight on supplies,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Sanctions and regulations have effectively removed Russian oil from the market. Prices accelerated Wednesday, when OPEC and its allies announced that they would not ramp up production beyond the modest increases previously planned.”
A new AAA survey shows that the pain at the pump has already reached a point where some drivers are beginning to adjust their driving habits.
Wednesday’s average price for gasoline in Florida was $3.57 per gallon. According to AAA’s survey, that’s within the price range that 54% of drivers in the state would change their driving behaviors. Eighteen percent said they would not change their driving behaviors regardless of the price.
Gasoline Price-Points Causing Floridians to Change Driving Behaviors
(Driving less, consolidating errands, carpooling, etc.)
Top Changes Floridians Have Made Because of Gas Prices:
“While drivers can’t control the price they see at the pump, there are some simple ways to get the most for your money when you fill-up,” Jenkins said. “First, ensure your vehicle is properly maintained, so you get optimal fuel economy. Then enroll in AAA’s Fuel Rewards program, which can save drivers 30 cents per gallon on their first fill-up and 5 cents per gallon on each additional fill-up.”