3 letters: Readers respond to issues on Pineland Trail

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  • | 3:20 p.m. March 14, 2022
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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City is neglecting Pineland Trail

Dear Editor:

Shameful. Ormond Beach continues to deny their responsibility to provide necessary maintenance to Pineland Trail, a city road located east of I-95.

The road's edge is crumbling away; shoulders are eroding, causing a drop-off condition; drainage ditches that fail to flow, causing water to encroach onto our private properties; failing culverts; easement and right-of-way issues; and deep embankment holes at the road's edge.

Pineland Trail became a city road Nov. 1, 2012, recorded in the clerk's book 6781, page 3121. Please note page 1, paragraph 4 of the interlocal agreement reads as follows: 

"Whereas, a road is defined by Section 334.03(23), Florida Statutes, as a 'way open to travel by the public, including, but not limited to, a street, highway, or alley. The term includes associated sidewalks, the roadbed, the right-of-way, and all culverts, drains, sluices, ditches, water storage areas, waterways, embankments, slopes, retaining walls, bridges, tunnels, and viaducts necessary for the maintenance of travel and all ferries used in the connection therewith.'" 

Sad the city fails to understands their interlocal agreement they agreed to, only to subject our properties to become retention areas at times and subject unsafe driving conditions for school traffic, school buses and families bringing children to reach the Ormond Beach Sports Complex that use this road.

Again, I notice you of what I feel is gross negligence on the city's part. Now, on March 6, 2022, another death occurred on Pineland Trail. 

Sharon Trescott

Ormond Beach

City must do their part

Dear Editor:

First, I would like to thank you for caring enough of our concerns to make it aware to the community. I am sure there are others who would like to have their roads repaired as well. I do believe the city is responsible for the wear and tear of all roads they own. I have emailed the director of roads in Ormond Beach in regards to how to put in a work order to repairs in hopes to establish a timeline for repairs.

I am more and more concerned with the heavy equipment trucks and semi-trucks that have become more frequent as development is occurring. I have asked about weight limits to the engineer that came to the meeting in August. She, being the engineer, stated that it doesn't matter because there aren't any bridges to cross to have to worry about weight. Well, there are systems for storm drainage under the road and that in my opinion is somewhat of a bridge-like structure.

I don't agree with Finley and his statement about not being responsible for the road. My driveway is further down the road. We are not asking for our driveway to be fixed, but the road off of Pineland Trail. They are responsible for at least the area to the other side of their ditch. So, that would mean the area over the culvert, the width of ditch.

I think the drainage needs to be consistent with the ditch and have the drainage going that way; it doesn't drain correctly at this time and water flows into the dirt road and creates holes. We are ready to take care of our part, but with the city failing to take responsibility for their part, our efforts would be worthless and our road would get worse. Not only that, their responsibility for the safety of the road should be top priority. No shoulder, poor drainage, and sheer negligence of maintenance is clearly their fault. And, if they continue to be negligent, they will unfortunately ensue a lawsuit in the future. Hopefully nobody will be hurt or find themselves burying a loved one from this negligible behavior. Thank you.

Donna Blankenship 

Ormond Beach

On Pineland Trail

Dear Editor,

I appreciated the well-written and informative article regarding Pineland Trail and the concerns for public safety.

I have traveled this road occasionally and would like to support the parties involved and agree it should be addressed immediately!  I have noticed standing water, almost lake-like, that is on this road at times making it almost impassable.

Mary Anne Andrew

Ormond Beach

Send letters up to 400 words to [email protected]. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.​​


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