- March 29, 2025
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from: Imagine School Town Center
Common Sense, the national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of media and technology, has recognized Imagine Town Center as a Common Sense School.
The recognition acknowledges the school's commitment to creating a culture of digital citizenship. Imagine Town Center has demonstrated its commitment to taking a whole-community approach to preparing its students to think critically and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate while preparing them for the perils that exist in the online realm, such as plagiarism, loss of privacy, and cyberbullying.
Imagine Town Center has been using Common Sense Education's digital citizenship resources, which were created in collaboration with researchers from Project Zero, led by Howard Gardner at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and are grounded in the real issues students and teachers face. The free K–12 curriculum is used in classrooms across all 50 states, in more than 80,000 schools.
"We're honored to be recognized as a Common Sense School," said Lisa O’Grady, School Principal. "By preparing our students to use technology safely and responsibly, we are providing them an opportunity to build lifelong habits to help them succeed in a tech-driven world."
For more information about Imagine Town Center, go to www.imaginetowncenter.org. To learn more about the criteria Imagine Town Center met to become recognized as a Common Sense School, visit https://www.commonsense.org/education/recognition-schools.
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