- January 18, 2025
by: Heather Belden
Volusia County Community Information Specialist
Volusia County is working to complete storm debris removal, and all residents in the unincorporated areas and on
county roads are advised to get their storm debris out for final pickup by Wednesday, Nov. 9. Residents must separate vegetative debris from bagged debris and construction and demolition debris.
The collection of bagged debris, electronics and hazardous debris such as paint and tires will not be included. All storm debris should be placed on the road right of way by Nov. 9 to ensure it is collected.
Volusia County will also begin collecting storm debris on unincorporated private roads on Nov. 9. The collection of vegetative storm debris on private roads will be done with one pass.
A toll-free hotline number has been setup for unincorporated residents to call with storm debris questions. The
number is 800-291-1205 and can be called 24 hours a day, seven days a week.