- March 13, 2025
Dear Editor:
Why do certain candidates in the city of Ormond Beach continue to say that taxes are increasing each year? Have they looked at their own annual property tax bills? Comparing the Ormond Beach general fund category for 2019 when we moved into the Ormond Beach home that we live in today, our tax is less today than it was in 2019. In fact, for 2022, the total millage for Ormond Beach is 4.03 compared to Orange City's at 7.79 mills.
To top that off, Ormond Beach also has the lowest average monthly water bill at $84.84 compared to Daytona Beach at $122.84. And as far as our county General Fund tax amount in 2022, it is also less now than it was in 2019. If these candidates can’t read their own tax bill, how can we feel confident in the votes that they might cast in the future that will affect all of our tax bills? I personally applaud the current elected officials in the city and in the County for holding the line on taxes and I strongly encourage voters to study the facts, and not believe the political rhetoric that certain candidates are spreading.
Peggy Farmer
Ormond Beach
Dear Editor:
I noticed that Bill Partington did not refute one factual claim made by Lori Bennett. His assertion that her comments represented “every derogatory thought” avoids the reality that Ms. Bennett offered verifiable facts for the most part and only included her views about Partington’s “disconnect” from Ormond Beach citizens and Rob Bridger. In my view, Partington ignored the legitimate verifiable facts and attempted to deflect attention away from his shortcomings by claiming the sun shines and life is good.
I do not deny that the sun shines and that much about Ormnond Beach is good. I do deny that Bill Partington adequately represents the vast majority of Ormond Beach citizens. Supporting the “moneyed elite” and developers does not even come close to representing average citizens. Perhaps if candidates restricted themselves to verifiable reality and seriously reduced misinformation and “red meat” bird whistles, citizens could make more informed decisions.
Charles Russell
Ormond Beach
Dear Editor,
In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian and all the flooding it brought, I think it’s apparent our city needs to reexamine its development policies. Back in 2009, the city lowered its wetland rules. Perhaps that wasn’t a good idea. I'm thinking reinstatement to the pre-2009 standards would be the right thing to do.
In addition, the city has yet to release its Stormwater Master Plan. In the meantime, there is new development being considered, including Tattersall at Tymber Creek and Airport Road, which includes wetlands.
Last November’s Northeaster resulted in flooding over Airport Road right in front of the proposed Tattersall site and after Hurricane Ian, the Tattersall property was flooded and covered in standing water.
The first reading by the City Commission for Tattersall is on Oct. 18, a meeting in which we’ll be hearing testimony from the developer's hand-picked engineer. The City Commission seems to be zealous in their desire to over-develop Ormond Beach and to do so without a Stormwater Master Plan.
Mindy McLarnan
Ormond Beach