- January 13, 2025
The Flagler County government is urging residents to follow its lead and recognize September as National Preparedness Month.
The recognition is done to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters. This year’s theme is “A Lasting Legacy.”
“National Preparedness Month just happens to coincide with the peak of hurricane season for us, and the tropics have become very active over the last week or so,” Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord said. “We are asking our residents to please take a few of steps to ensure your families, households, and businesses are ready for anything that may happen – not just for this month, but for anytime during the year.”
Potential risks include naturally occurring things like hurricanes, tornados, flooding, lightning and coastal/tidal events as well as manmade situations like hazardous material spills and terrorism.
The national campaign recommends devoting one week each to the following activities: make a plan; build a kit; protect family and property; include children, seniors, and pets; and, get involved in preparing our community.
Preparedness Weeks
Stay informed by signing up for Alert Flagler at www.flaglercounty.gov/alertflagler.
Sign up for free Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training at www.flaglercounty.gov/emergency, and select “Volunteering & Training,” or call 386-313-4200.
For more information, go to www.flaglercounty.gov/emergency and follow Emergency Management on social media at: