Ormond Beach area sex offender arrested, charged with possessing child pornography

Timothy S. Young remains held at the Volusia County Branch Jail on $250,000 bail until a first court appearance.

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  • | 10:35 a.m. August 7, 2023
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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A 43-year-old registered sex offender was arrested Aug. 3 and charged with 20 counts of possessing child pornography and one charge of failing to register an online account by a registered sex offender.

A tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children led law enforcement officers to discover sexually explicit photos of children on suspect Timothy S. Young's electronic devices, according to the Volusia Sheriff's Office.

Deputies arrested Young at his home on Avenue I near Ormond Beach the afternoon of Aug. 3, a VSO press release stated. 

Young had been previously convicted of possession of child pornography in 2018.

Young's arrest on Aug. 3 was a result of a three-month investigation. 

VSO detectives helped the Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigate the tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. 

Detectives searched Young's home July 21, taking electronic devices for forensic analysis by the FDLE Cybercrimes Task Force. 

Detectives found sexually explicit photos depicting girls from under 6 to under 12 years old.   

The investigation showed that Young had uploaded files containing suspected child pornography, according to the press release.

Anyone with information on this case is asked to contact the VSO Child Exploitation Unit at 386-323-3574.


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