- March 13, 2025
Two people who live near the Flagler Executive Airport are asking the county government to restrict operations at the airport to decrease noise from low-flying flights and touch-and-go traffic.
An attorney representing the two locals sent the county attorney's office a Nov. 6 letter demanding that the airport ban touch-and-go operations, raise approach elevations over the Quail Hollow and Seminole Woods neighborhoods to greater than 500 feet and create an effective plan to make sure the new rules are followed, with a hotline for residents to report violations.
The residents, Gina Weiss and Ray Stevens, live in Quail Hollow and Seminole Woods.
"The noise, fumes, and vibrations have reached unbearable levels to the local residents, effectively ousting them from their homes and curtilage," states the letter, written by GrayRobinson attorney Nick Dancaescu. "... The operations permitted by the County at the Airport are effectively taking our clients' property, amongst others. This needs to cease."
The letter adds that touch-and-go maneuvers are of particular concern and that FlightAware flight tracking data show that one flight performed "upwards of eight low passes/touch-and-gos" over those neighborhoods in the time the letter was composed.
It states that property ownership includes airspace rights and that frequent low-level flights over private property "can constitute a taking within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment."
Citing the airport's own regulations, the letter notes that the airport's operational restrictions require that anyone landing at or taking off from the airport comply with federal noise requirements or the airport's noise requirements — whichever is more restrictive.
"Despite these requirements, it is clear the Airport is turning a blind eye to the operations and noise levels being created by its tenants," it states. "It is clear from the evidence submitted by our clients that altitude and noise levels far exceed these levels."
As of Dec. 4, the county had not responded to the letter, according to the county attorney's office.
Airport Director Roy Sieger had not replied to a request for comment as of the Observer’s publication time.