- March 13, 2025
The obvious outcome
5 p.m., Indian Trails Sports Complex, Palm Coast
Larceny. A woman had her purse stolen from her car after she left it unlocked in a public parking lot.
The victim was attending a soccer game at the Indian Trails Sports Complex on Feb. 28 when the theft happened, according to the incident report. The woman parked her gray Jeep in a parking spot and left, leaving the Jeep unlocked with her keys and purse inside.
Less than an hour after she arrived, the woman told Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputies that she received a text about a possible fraud charge of over $500 at the Palm Coast Walmart. She went back to her vehicle to find that her purse had been stolen from inside the Jeep.
Security camera footage from Walmart showed a woman wearing a sweatshirt and COVID-19 mask attempting to purchase gift cards at 5:48 p.m. — first with the victim’s credit card and then her debit card. When both attempts to purchase were declined, she left the store without the gift cards.
The victim’s cards have not yet been recovered and the suspect is unidentified, the report said.
Let sleeping BB guns lie
10:45 a.m., Boulder Rock Drive, Palm Coast
Trespass. A homeless man was trespassed from Furniture 2 Go after he was found sleeping in the grass outside with a BB gun on his chest.
People inside the store called Flagler County Sheriff’s Office out to the scene when they saw the man sleeping, believing the gun on his chest to be an AR15, according to the incident report. The caller told dispatch that the man was sleeping in the grass near the trash cans but because of the possible gun, people were steering clear until deputies arrived.
When FCSO arrived, while one deputy stood by for safety, another approached the man and saw the gun was a BB gun. After interviewing the man, deputies issued a trespass warning to him and asked him to leave the property.