- December 29, 2024
Dear Editor:
Yesterday, I was going to the hospital, took Royal Palm from Belle Terre, when my car hit a very deep pot hole. It made a huge noise. Now if my car is damaged, I will send the city the bill!
I've said it again and again: All the city thinks about is housing construction. The city does not care about the traffic or the roads, which are damaged with all the big trucks. The quality of living in this town is going down!
Building parks and recreation facilities that will not help people's frustration over everyday traffic. The roads will only deteriorate more and more.
Coming back on Royal Palm around 3 p.m. it took us five changing lights before we could reach Belle Terre.
People don't want the write about this because they say, "They do not listen anyway." How true this is!
And now with a $72 million art center, people beware. They decide what this town will be without including us at all. The only way they will listen will be when reelection time will come!
Gislaine Joiris
Palm Coast