It’s been about a week since my wife and I bought the newspaper, and our family life has gotten a bit more hectic.
I had visions of a celebratory steak dinner. Or at least a big cheeseburger. Or at least a McDonald’s hamburger.
But by the time my wife, Hailey, and I finally got home from our first day on the job, after completing our purchase of the Palm Coast and Ormond Beach Observers on Aug. 29, it was late. I was on the phone as I walked in, so I went straight to my bedroom for privacy; through the wall, I heard the kids cheer when Hailey told the kids it was official.
When I rejoined the family, I was told everyone already ate.
I looked around the fridge and the pantry, and I settled on an expired instant oatmeal packet. I was so hungry that it sounded — and was — delicious.
Maybe we’ll try a celebratory dinner another day.
Owning a business has never been a dream of mine. Who needs all that pressure? But Hailey and I couldn’t be happier in our new adventure, and we are excited to serve you and your neighbors.
It’s been about a week since the purchase, and our family life has gotten a bit more hectic. For example, our 5-year-old son, Luke, realized just before he was supposed to leave to catch the bus that he had a packet of kindergarten homework to do.
The first page of the packet had an “N” in the corner, and a black and white cartoon drawing of a nurse that he was supposed to color. He grabbed a ballpoint pen and furiously scribbled all over the drawing, without any attempt to stay in the lines. I also had to tell him to double check the spelling of his name: In his haste, he had written “LUK” and apparently ran out of time for the “E.”
Later that day, Luke asked me to look at some pictures he had drawn after school, just for fun. I had a million things on my mind, but one look at his eager eyes was enough to tell me that this was a moment I didn’t want to miss. Relax, Brian. Be present. Being a good dad is your most important job.
So I looked at his pictures, which looked like wobbly teddy bears, one paper after another, and his smile got wider and wider and wider. So did mine.
Note to readers: What would make you excited to visit the website every day or pick up the print copy every week? Email ideas to my new address: [email protected].