- March 13, 2025
3:19 p.m. — 100 block of Interchange Boulevard, Ormond Beach
Trespassing. Police responded to a local hotel after receiving a call about a 68-year-old woman from Montana hurling racial slurs and yelling at staff over $2.
When officers arrived, the woman was still standing in the lobby ad was trying to talk to them as they asked the manager a couple of questions, according to an incident report. Police instructed her to wait outside as they spoke with the manager, who informed them she wanted the woman trespassed.
The woman later told police that she wished to be refunded about $2, and raised her voice at police when officers suggested she try to take the matter in a "civil direction," the report states. Police then informed her she needed to leave the property. When she refused, police asked for her ID, at which point she refused and began to walk away.
The woman was detained and, while police were able to handcuff her, she would not let go of her purse.
Witnesses told police that the woman was screaming in the lobby prior to their arrival and made racially derogative comments toward hotel staff. However, staff declined to press charges in the end and "all parties agreed that there was a miscommunication amongst themselves," the report states.
The woman was released and police explained to her why her actions that night were wrong.
8:11 a.m. — First block of South Beach Street, Ormond Beach
Trespassing. A 36-year-old Daytona Beach man was arrested after police found him behind some bushes at the local library branch.
Police report they recognized the man as someone who had been trespassed from the property in the past, according to a police report. The man was drinking alcohol behind the bushes and when police approached, he claimed the bottle was empty while pouring out its contents on the ground beside him. He then started to walk away, but stopped and told police he was drunk.
He was detained and brought to the hospital for treatment.
9:15 p.m. — 700 block of Hull Road, Ormond Beach
Car break. An unknown suspect broke into a 26-year-old Daytona Beach woman's car. Will she press charges?
The woman said she had arrived at local softball fields less than 90 minutes prior to the car break, and said that she discovered her rear passenger side window was smashed when she returned, according to a police report. Her purse had been taken and her card used at a nearby dollar store. The suspect used it to buy a $500 gift card
While the woman initially pressed charges for the $500 in damages sustained, she advised police that she will "probably change her mind later," according to the report.