Letter: School board races should remain nonpartisan

"Keeping these races nonpartisan ensures that the focus remains squarely on the candidates' positions rather than on their allegiance to a particular political party."

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  • | 11:00 a.m. August 1, 2024
Letters to the editor
Letters to the editor
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Keep school board races nonpartisan

In an age where national politics often dominate the headlines, it's easy to overlook the crucial impact of local elections. Among the most vital of these are school board races.

As we prepare for upcoming elections, we must remember why these races are designed to be nonpartisan and why adhering to this principle is critical. Nonpartisan elections emphasize the importance of local issues. Our school boards are responsible for decisions directly affecting our children's education, from curriculum choices to budget allocations. Keeping these races nonpartisan ensures that the focus remains squarely on the candidates' positions on these issues rather than on their allegiance to a particular political party.

This local focus lets voters choose candidates based on their specific plans and policies, ensuring that broader party politics do not influence our community's needs. It is also critical that we vote no in November on Amendment 1: Partisan election of members of district school boards.

Voting in nonpartisan elections also encourages a merit-based approach. When party labels are absent, voters are more likely to evaluate candidates on their experience, qualifications and specific policies. This meritocratic approach ensures that the most capable individuals, regardless of their political affiliations, are elected to make decisions about our schools.

Unfortunately, we have seen how outside money has influenced past school board elections, often diverting the focus from educational quality to political agendas. This is why supporting candidates with some educational experience is essential. These candidates are better equipped to understand the complexities of our school system and make informed decisions that truly benefit our students.

If we are honest, we all know that in the past, we have had some outstanding candidates from both Democratic and Republican backgrounds for the school board. Unfortunately, the person elected is often not the most qualified but the one with the most money, the most publicity, and the best connections. Let's prevent this from happening in the future.

Our children are our greatest treasures, and we must entrust their education to the most capable individuals. Let's elect school board members based on their qualifications, not their party affiliation.

Ralph Lightfoot

Palm Coast


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