Childhood cancer awareness banners to hang from city utility poles in September

Melissa Fulling, the Live Like Cameron founder, said the banners would show local children with cancer that their community cares about them.

The banners for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month that will hang along Palm Coast and Belle Terre Parkways in September. Image from Palm Coast meeting documents
The banners for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month that will hang along Palm Coast and Belle Terre Parkways in September. Image from Palm Coast meeting documents
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Palm Coast will be hanging "childhood cancer awareness" banners from city utility poles throughout the month of September.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness and in honor of it, the local nonprofit Live Like Cameron has applied to the city to place the banners supporting and bringing awareness to childhood cancer. The Palm Coast City Council approved the resolution allowing the banners 4-0 on Aug. 6, with council member Cathy Heighter absent from the meeting.

Melissa Fulling, the Live Like Cameron founder, said the banners would show local children with cancer that their community cares about them.

"We are here for them, and all of our other children that are fighting and the kids that have passed away," Fulling said.

The banners will hang along the north and south side of Palm Coast Parkway and Belle Terre Parkway, according to city documents.

Live Like Cameron was created in 2017 in memory of Cameron Fulling, a 9-year-old who died after battling brain cancer for seven years.

Live Like Cameron provides financial assistance through gift cards or financial donations to families with children that have been diagnosed with cancer. The nonprofit also aims to provide children comfort during hospitalizations by providing soft bedding and care packages, according to the Live Like Cameron website.


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