Letter: Sierra Club endorses City Council candidate Seib and County Commission candidate Clark

The club supports the candidates for making environmental protection a priority.

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  • | 3:15 p.m. August 15, 2024
Letters to the editor
Letters to the editor
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Sierra Club endorses Seib, Clark

The Sierra Club announces its endorsements and full support for Jeffery Seib for Palm Coast City Council District 1, and for William Clark for Flagler County Commission District 3.

The Sierra Club salutes and supports Seib for his environmental platform of taking pride in bringing Palm Coast to a city that values and takes pride in the natural environment and balancing population growth with the need for clean air, water and forests.

The Sierra Club salutes Clark for his stance to make environmental protection his top priority. As a “full time” commissioner, the club will look forward to working with him on implementing good environmental decisions.

Sierra Club Florida is dedicated to ensuring a stronger and healthier Florida for all Floridians. Supporting environmental champions up and down the ballot is vital to protecting Florida from extreme legislation and politicians that ignore the basic needs of Floridians.

Steve Wonderly

Chair, Volusia-Flagler Sierra Club


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