- March 13, 2025
The Florida Department of Transportation is scheduled to begin work on the second of two buried seawalls protecting State Road A1A.
Together, the two walls will span about 2.6 miles of A1A. Construction started on the first wall in Flagler Beach in March 2024.
The second wall will stretch from Sunrise Avenue to Marlin Drive in Ormond-by-the-Sea. Beginning as soon as Sept. 3, the contractor will place temporary asphalt along the west side (southbound) of A1A to accommodate a slight traffic shift. As soon as Sept. 3 and 4, drivers should expect a rolling daytime lane closure with flagging operations from just north of Marlin Drive to just south of Sunrise Avenue.
The next steps in construction will be clearing vegetation from the dune and adding sand to create a wide platform. Drilling the piles for the wall is anticipated to begin during fall of this year.
Some dune walkovers will be temporarily removed as part of the project. Beachgoers will be able to access the beach from nearby walkovers, and the beach area in front of the walls will be open for public use. FDOT and their local partners remind everyone to stay off the dunes and be mindful of construction activities.
FDOT will replace the walkovers as work on each wall section is finished. The project team will coordinate closely with the walkover owners and limit the time each walkover is closed as much as possible.
The department is adhering to state and federal regulations to protect sea turtles and other wildlife. During sea turtle nesting season, no work can begin until an inspector who is approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission inventories the beach for any nesting activity. No work will be done within 10 feet of a nest, and all work will be done during daylight hours.
The purpose of the walls is to provide long-term protection against future storms and erosion. The project developed from the work of the S.R. A1A Resiliency Strike Team, which is an interagency effort involving Flagler County, the city of Flagler Beach, Volusia County, FDOT, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The areas selected for buried walls are those where the shoulder and/or roadway have experienced the most erosion and damage. More information about how the walls are being constructed is shown in a video posted on the project websites at www.CFLRoads.com/project/452444-1 and www.CFLRoads.com/project/452443-1
FDOT advises motorists to follow all posted signs. Construction schedules are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Media inquiries should be directed to the FDOT Public Information Office at [email protected] or by phone at (386) 943-5593.