- March 12, 2025
Flagler Schools district staff presented the School Board with a proposed 2025-26 instructional calendar. By design, the calendar committee’s draft is similar to the proposed calendars of St. Johns and Volusia counties.
“We took into consideration a lot of the feedback we heard last year,” Louise Bossardet, the district’s director of Information Systems, told the board at its information workshop on Tuesday, Dec. 17. “Last year, we brought a calendar before the School Board and there were concerns about alignment with spring breaks and days that Volusia and St. Johns and Flagler all have off, so we really tried to reconcile the three calendars to try to have as much commonality as possible, because we do understand that we have employees who work here but have children in other districts and vice versa.”
The spring break scheduled for March 16-20, 2026, falls on the same week as the spring breaks for the neighboring counties as well as the break for Daytona State College where the bulk of Flagler County’s dual-enrolled students participate, Bossardet said.
There are just two days in September when Flagler County students won’t be off and one of the other counties will have an off day, she said.
The first day of school will be Aug. 11, 2025. The earliest first day allowed by state statute is Aug. 10, which falls on a Sunday. The last day of school for students is May 28, 2026. May 27-28 are designated early-release days.
Thanksgiving break will be a full week, Nov. 24-28. Winter break will be two weeks, Dec. 22-Jan. 2.
Six hurricane days are built into the schedule: Oct. 13, Nov. 24-25, Dec. 22, Jan. 5 and March 13. They fall on teacher work days, the first two days of Thanksgiving break and the first day of winter break.
Aug. 4-8 are designated as three pre-planning days and two professional learning days. Jan. 6 and April 3 are also professional learning days with students getting the days off. Oct. 13, Jan. 5, March 13 and May 29 are teacher work days.
Holidays fall on Sept. 1 (Labor Day), Nov. 11 (Veterans Day), Jan. 19 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), Feb. 16 (Presidents’ Day) and May 25 (Memorial Day). The quarters end on Oct. 10, Dec. 19, March 12 and May 28.
None of the School Board members voiced any concerns with the calendar. Derek Barrs and Lauren Ramirez said they were glad to hear the dates were coordinated with the other counties.
The calendar committee consists of 10 people: two each appointed by the teacher and employee unions, four district staff members appointed by the superintendent and two parents — one appointed by the superintendent, one appointed jointly the unions.