- March 8, 2025
When: 10 a.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Environmental Discovery Center, 601 Division Ave., Ormond Beach
Details: The Environmental Discovery Center is hosting a free outdoor beginner level yoga class by Kim Latford. Chairs available. Mats recommended. Space is limited. Call 386-615-7081.
When: 5:30-7 p.m.
Where: Ormond Memorial Art Museum, 78 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: Families are invited to attend and create an art project with instructor Linda King. This month's project is a "Heart Suncatcher Mobile." All supplies are provided. All ages welcome.
When: 6:30 p.m.
Where: Rockefeller Gardens, 26 Riverside Drive, Ormond Beach
Details: Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy a showing of "Sing 2," rated PG. Movies are weather-sensitive. Call 386-676-3216 for rainout information.
When: 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 3; and 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 4
Where: Gillespy Theater at the News Journal Center, 221 N. Beach St., Daytona Beach
Details: Halifax Repertory Theatre is presenting this musical comedy presented in the form of vignettes, connected by the central theme of love and relationships. Tickets cost $30 for adults; $25 for youths. Visit halifaxrep.com.
When: 8-10:30 a.m.
Where: Central Park at Town Center, 975 Central Ave., Palm Coast
Details: The city of Palm Coast is hosting the third annual Tunnel to Towers 5K Run/Walk. The previous two events raised nearly $30,000, with all proceeds going to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Visit https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/PalmCoast/TunneltoTowers5KRunWalkPalmCoastFL.
When: 10-11 a.m.
Where: Anderson-Price Memorial Building, 42 N. Beach St., Ormond Beach
Details: Daytona State Professor Leonard Lempel will speak on Mary McLeod Bethune's history, including how she and her school influenced and continue to influence the local area. This is a free program sponsored by the Florida Humanities Speakers Bureau and hosted by the Ormond Beach Historical Society.
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: New Britain Avenue, from Beach Street to Ridgewood Avenue
Details: Ormond Beach MainStreet and the Ormond Beach Arts District's 10th annual free arts festival is back, featuring live music, hands-on activities and of course, lots of art. There will also be an artisan market.
When: 3-7 p.m.
Where: Ormond Beach MainStreet Arts District, 128 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: Join Ocean Art Gallery, Frame of Mind, Art Spotlight, The Studio by Artist Angel Lowden, the Ormond Memorial Art Museum and more on the first Saturday of each month for art openings and art events.
When: 6-10 p.m.
Where: Flagler County Fairgrounds, 150 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell
Details: Attend this benefit dinner and auction supporting the 4-H and FFA Youth Awards and Scholarship Fund. Tickets cost $50 per person. Attire is jeans and your best bling. Visit flaglercountyfair.com.
When: 7 p.m.
Where: Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center, 5500 E. Highway 100, Palm Coast
Details: See this tribute show dedicated to Michael Jackson. The production aims to recreate his performances' energy, talent and magic while playing homage to his career. Tickets cost $64. Visit flaglerauditorium.org.
When: 8 a.m. to noon
Where: Social Hall at St. Brendan Catholic Church, 1000 Ocean Shore Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: The Father Eamonn Gill Council 13018 Knights of Columbus will serve a pancake breakfast. The meal includes all the pancakes you can eat, scrambled eggs, a sausage link, orange juice and endless coffee. The breakfast costs $6 and children under 12 eat free. All are welcome.
When: 1-3:30 p.m.
Where: Expressions Art Gallery, 2298 Colbert Lane, Palm Coast
Details: Expressions Art Gallery is celebrating the opening of "Fiber Art — Natural Expressions," a collection of sculpture and wall art by Liz Canali, Amy Hemphill Dove and Jenna Weston. The reception will feature music from the Al Canali Project. The exhibition will be on display through March 16.
When: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Where: Flagler County Public Library, 2500 Palm Coast Parkway Northwest, Palm Coast
Details: Join the Palm Coast Astronomy Club for its next meeting, themed "The Sun and the 2024 Total Eclipse." Anyone interested in astronomy is invited to attend.
When: 9:30 a.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Environmental Discovery Center, 601 Division Ave., Ormond Beach
Details: The Environmental Discovery Center is hosting a free outdoor beginner level yoga class by Victoria Bennett. Chairs available. Mats recommended. Space is limited. Call 386-615-7081.
When: 2-3:30 p.m.
Where: Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens, 78 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: Join OMAM for this program to create art projects that focus on self-expression, growth, and relaxation, often with a meditative component. Open to anyone 16 and older in need of reflective time, including caregivers, survivors, and those who have lost a loved one. Free admission. Registration is required. Visit ormondartmuseum.org.
When: 1:30 p.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Regional Public Library auditorium, 30 S. Beach St., Ormond Beach
Details: Terry Hall will present the program, titled "Transcribing Historical Handwriting: An 1846 Travelogue." Hall is the president of Roots & Branches Genealogical Society and volunteers in the Genealogy Room of the DeLand Library.
When: 5-9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 and Friday Feb. 9; and 12-9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10
Where: 1014 N. Halifax Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: Attend this festival featuring authentic Italian food, games, live music, free kids activities and arts and crafts. Call 386-255-0433.
When: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 9; and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10
Where: St Thomas Episcopal Church, 5400 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast
Details: This rummage sale features clothing, linens, books, kitchen items and more, as well as baked goods for sale. No shopping bags allowed. Call 386-446-2300.
When: 10 a.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Environmental Discovery Center, 601 Division Ave., Ormond Beach
Details: The Environmental Discovery Center is hosting a free outdoor beginner level yoga class by Kim Latford. Chairs available. Mats recommended. Space is limited. Call 386-615-7081.
When: 6-9 p.m.
Where: Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE, Palm Coast
Details: Attend this family-friendly event, open to all ages, and eat, play games and dance. Registration costs $15 per person; children 3 and under are free.
When: 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Middle School, 151 Domicilio Ave., Ormond Beach
Details: Join OBMS for a 5K. Check-in begins at 7:15 a.m. Race costs $20 for students and staff; $20 for local cross country and track teams; and $30 on the day of the race. Visit https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/OrmondBeach/OBMSHoliday5K.
When: 9 a.m. to noon
Where: South Ormond Neighborhood Center, 176 Division Ave., Ormond Beach
Details: The 2024 Mayor’s Health and Fitness Challenge will begin with a kick-off and weigh-in. The eight-week program is a citywide initiative designed for individuals of all fitness levels. Registration costs $35 per individual or $70 for families with up to three children, 18 and under. Visit ormondbeach.org/MHFC.
When: 10 a.m. to noon
Where: Becca's Sweet Tooth, 2710 E. Moody Blvd., Unit B, Bunnell
Details: Learn the basics of working with royal icing. The class will provide everything needed to complete six decorated cookies. Class costs $45 and is recommended for ages 15 and older. Deadline to register is Feb. 7. Call 386-309-9957.
When: 11 a.m.
Where: Cypress Knoll Golf and Country Club, 53 Easthampton Blvd., Palm Coast
Details: The American Association of University Women will host Lenny Foster, owner of Gallery 141 in St. Augustine, as its speaker for Black History Month. Lunch is available for $20. The meeting costs $5 for those not eating lunch. Reservations are required. Visit https://flaglercounty-fl.aauw.net/.
When: 1-4 p.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Regional Public Library, 30 S. Beach St., Ormond Beach
Details: The Halifax Genealogical Society is hosting a free, one-on-one research assistance program for anyone interested in researching family history. The volunteers convene in the Sandpiper Room in the library. To register, contact [email protected].
When: 3:30 p.m.
Where: Lighthouse Christ Presbyterian Church, 1035 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: The Daytona Solisti Chamber Players is presenting Beethoven's violin concerto with Ukrainian violinist and Daytona Solisti concertmaster Olga Kolpakova. A $15 donation is requested at the door. For more information, visit daytonasolisti.com or call 386-562-5423.
When: 1-4 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday, through Feb. 16
Where: Art League of Daytona Beach,433 S. Palmetto Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: See this exhibit featuring art of all mediums by the members of the Art League of Daytona Beach. The exhibit will run through Feb. 16. Visit artleague.org.
When: 12:30-2 p.m. every Tuesday, beginning Jan. 9
Where: Central Baptist Church, 152 Fairview Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: Join this book club, which will study "Love Stories of the Bible Speak" by Shannon Bream. The book club will meet in the Marchman Building, room 117. Contact Sylvia Meincke at 386-451-5223.
When: 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Friday of the month
Where: Central Baptist Church, 152 Fairview Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: Moms of Pre Schoolers is a free faith-based program for moms, moms-to-be and their preschoolers for support and encouragement. Breakfast is provided, as well as a video with discussion and crafts. Playtime offered for children, with adult supervision. Call 386-255-2588.
When: 9:30 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays
Where: First Baptist Church of Palm Coast, 6050 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast
Details: Attend upbeat classes presented by Synergy Senior Fitness and taught by Senior Fitness Specialist Artie Gardella. Classes are ongoing. Insurances that cover fitness accepted, or a donation for those with no coverage. Visit Synergyseniorfitness.com.
When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Where: Museum of Arts and Sciences, 352 S. Nova Road, Daytona Beach
Details: Want to spend a day looking at fine art? The Museum of Arts and Sciences has the following shows on display: "The Lure of Florida Fishing."