- March 2, 2025
Dear Editor:
I am 100% adamantly opposed to any attempt whatsoever by the Flagler County Board of Commissioners to defund our School Resource Deputy program.
(See the Observer's previous coverage here.)
Even the mere mention of this by County Administrator Heidi Petito is reckless, shameful and endangers the lives of students, teachers and school staff.
As a journalist, I covered too many horrible school shootings in person, from Paducah, Columbine, Sandy Hook, and countless others in between. I witnessed parents overwhelmed with devastating grief, saw tearful families at candle light vigils, and attended way too many sorrowful funerals.
As vice-mayor of Palm Coast, I stand with, and fully support Sheriff Rick Staly, and the brave deputies that protect our schools.
Know this: There is no compromise on this issue. We should be increasing, not defunding law enforcement. As your next county commissioner, I will always vote to defend the safety of our children….always!
Ed Danko
Palm Coast
Editor's Note: Ed Danko is a candidate for Flagler County Commission. All candidates and elected officials are encouraged to write letters to the editor and will be identified accordingly in an editor's note. Send letters to [email protected].