- March 13, 2025
In your recent article, “Public to decide on future franchise fees,” there was a statement in there, where they said they need to come up with funding for infrastructure. Well, here’s some advice, Berlin, New Hampshire, got a government grant from all that infrastructure money that they approved to put in heated sidewalks. The total amount was $19.5 million. The residents were unhappy with this and said, with that amount of money, they could’ve torn down the town and rebuilt it, because it is such a small town. Why don’t we get off our chairs and submit paperwork for a government grant for our infrastructure? Thank you very much.
Terry Webb
Palm Coast
Editor’s Note: According to a May 16 city press release, the total cost of road projects planned over the next three years will be $229 million, which includes $127.88 million from state funds, $67.55 million from FDOT projects, $1.6 million from local agency program funds, $3.75 million from developer contributions and $28.27 million from city impact fees collected during development.
Brittany Kershaw, Palm Coast’s director of communications and marketing, said, “We are consistently going after all grants that meet our project needs,” but added that even with grant funding, the city still has an obligation to pay for a portion of the projects.