- March 13, 2025
10:25 a.m. — 100 block of Division Avenue, Ormond Beach
Burglary with assault or battery. Police arrested a 26-year-old Holly Hill woman after she threw a backpack and a single piece of paper at a driver in a local community center parking lot.
The victim reported to police that she was backing out of a parking spot after dropping her child off at the community center when the woman drove up behind her in her own vehicle. To avoid her, the victim said she drove back into the the spot.
The woman, the victim reported in the police report, then followed her, yelling through her rolled-down window. She then got out and opened the passenger door of the victim's vehicle and picked up an empty backpack and single sheet of paper, which she threw at the victim, striking her.
The woman told police that the victim had blocked her in the parking lot, causing her to drive on the curb to get around her, and that the victim left the parking lot and circled back in front of her at a stop sign inside the same lot. The woman believed the victim was intentionally blocking her in, the report states. She told police that's when she threw the backpack and paper at the victim.
The woman was taken to jail.
10:39 a.m. — Ormond Beach
Burglary. A 24-year-old Ormond Beach man was arrested after he broke into a car, poured tomato sauce all over himself and entered a resident's backyard.
According to the man's arrest report, the resident heard the man trying to enter through his back door. The resident, with a gun in his hand, exited through a different door to reach his backyard, where he questioned the man why he was in his backyard. The man asked him not to shoot and said "he had acid in his eyes" before running off.
The resident then went to his car, which was parked in his driveway, and discovered the man had taken tomato juice ad laundry detergent out of the back of the car and poured it all over himself. The man had left the empty tomato juice bottles in the driveway, and a nearly empty detergent bottle in his backyard, according to the police report.
The man's shirt was recovered with one of the bottles of tomato juice; his sandals were in the resident's garage. The car also had tomato juice on the driver's side and "there was a thick trail of detergent in the backyard leading into the garage," the report states.
The man also tried to take the resident's broken canoe into the channel connected to the home. Police found him soaked in water and covered in tomato juice and detergent.
He was taken to jail.