- March 13, 2025
Dear Editor:
Please Save Community Cats of Palm Coast.
We have a stray cat problem here in Palm Coast. We also have a wonderful organization that is operating on a shoestring and may have to close.
Hopefully you have read the Observer’s July 11th article asking for support. If not, please take a look at their website, www.communitycatspc.org.
This organization is vital to our community. Please support them. Palm Coast, please do not let Community Cats of Palm Coast have to close their doors. Whether you are a resident of Palm Coast or a business owner here in town your support is critical.
Sharon Neilan
Palm Coast
In the July 11, 2024 issue of the Observer, you published an article about the Community Cats non-profit organization. This is an organization that purports to support the rescue of feral cats. While no one should wish a hardship or injury on an innocent or any animal for that matter, there should be some consideration given to the mission of Community Cats.
The Community Cats organization supports the capture and neutering of feral cats and their return to their capture location. All too often this location is near some person's residence where the cats defecate in the lawn or planting areas. All too often, well-meaning people feed the cats which attracts other animals including vultures.
The well meaning cat feeders should recognize that cats kill between 1.4 and 4 billion birds of natural species each year and an estimated 66% of the cats killing these birds are feral cats.
The article also mentions a fund raising event by Tortugas Kitchen and Bar that raised $5,000. While this may seem like a great charity event, the article states the $5,000 was used for the (medical) care of two rescue cats. Seems to this reader that there are surely veterans or homeless in our town that could use $5,000 worth of medical care more than cats.
William Brattain
Palm Coast