- February 5, 2025
Kenneth was born in Jamaica, Queens, andgrew up in Staten Island, New York.He joined the army in 1954. After boot campat Fort Dix, Ken was transferred to Fort Eustisin Newport News, VA. He became a PFC andserved in the Transportation Corps, helpingthe USAF provide supplies to the DEW Line inCanada for SAC. After the Army, he served inthe reserves from 1956-1962.After the Army, he worked as an auditor forBankers Trust, at their headquarters on WallStreet. It was there that he met Antoinette(Ann), his future wife.In 1960, Ken became a police officer for theNew York City Police Department. In 1966, hewas promoted to detective. He worked for theNYPD for 33 years.In 1994, Ken and Ann retired to Palm Coastfrom Staten Island, NY. He served on theThrivent Financial for Lutherans local boardand was involved in various organizationsin Flagler County such as the Kiwanis Club,Masons, and Shriners. He was also a longtimemember of the Elks Club.Ken was happily married to Ann for 64 years,has three daughters, four grandchildren, 1step-grandson and twin great-grandsons.A memorial service will be held at Shepherdof the Coast Lutheran Church at 10 AM onFriday, July 26. A gathering to share memoriesand support the family will be held at the ElksClub immediately following the service. All arewelcome.