- March 23, 2025
Flagler Schools is interested in leasing the historic Flagler County Courthouse building in Bunnell. The building could house several programs that would free up classroom space due to growth.
The programs that could be relocated to the old courthouse include the Rise Up alternative school, iFlagler’s administrators and teachers, the TRAIL transition program, Flagler Technical College child care and classrooms, the Step Up program for adults with special needs, federal programs and storage for the Education Foundation’s STUFF Bus.
First Baptist Academy is currently leasing the old courthouse but is moving to a new location on Palm Coast Parkway in August.
The cost of $92,000 annual rent to the county plus $120,000 for utilities would be cheaper than replacing aging portable classrooms and would increase the district’s capacity by 10 classrooms, according to a staff report.
The Flagler County Historical Society has also indicated it would like to lease at least part of the courthouse, Dave Freeman, the district’s chief of operations, told the School Board at a June 18 workshop.
The board requested district staff to ask Historical Society representatives to come to the board's next workshop on July 9 to discuss their interest.
The board asked the district to come up with a plan and a time frame.
The two-story courthouse was built in 1924 with a third story added in 1985. It has about 50,000 square feet of space with 30 classrooms and 14-plus offices.