Two letters on Palm Coast considering speed bumps on some residential streets

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  • | 12:00 p.m. June 19, 2024
Letters to the editor
Letters to the editor
  • Palm Coast Observer
  • Opinion
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Speed bumps hinder emergency services

Dear Editor:

I am writing in reference to the subject of speed bumps on local roadways. I originated from West Orange, New Jersey, and have relocated to Palm Coast. One of the reasons I relocated, other than N.J. being one of the highest tax rates in the country was because of all of the speed bumps.

It may seem trivial, however response times to municipal and emergency services had been compromised due to speed interruptions from the bumps. The police were at a disadvantage in pursuing criminals and emergency medical situations due to decreased time elements.

In making your decisions, I would advise you to strongly consider these factors.

John Renzulli

Palm Coast, Florida

Enforcement is the answer 

Dear Editor:

Too many people are going to speed no matter what the speed limit is. What is needed is a lot more enforcement.

Paying $200 for a speeding ticket and points on their license will slow most people down.

Bill Simpson

Palm Coast


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