Renner touts Florida's recent progress, at Flagler Tiger Bay send-off

Property insurance, social media bills top his lists of recent accomplishments, he says.

Paul Renner has represented Flagler County in the Florida Legislature from April 2015 to 2024. Photo by Brian McMillan
Paul Renner has represented Flagler County in the Florida Legislature from April 2015 to 2024. Photo by Brian McMillan
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Paul Renner, who has represented Flagler County in the Florida House of Representatives since 2015, including the past two as speaker of the house, got a standing ovation as a thank you on June 19, after he addressed the Flagler Tiger Bay Club. He has reached his term limit, so will be replaced in this year's election cycle.

“You are there in Tallahassee representing us all,” said Marc Dwyer, who is on the club’s Board of Directors. “What you have done, and what you have appropriated and used your influence to get has been nothing short of historic, and on behalf of all of our community and our Tiger Bay, I want to give you a sincere thank you.”


During his remarks to the club, Renner touted progress in curtailing property insurance prices, as well as a new law to give parents more control over their children’s social media use, as two successes in the most recent legislative session.

While much work has been done to address soaring property insurance in Florida, it will take time before residents see reductions in rates, he said.

Among the new laws is a renewal of $200 million in the My Safe Florida Home fund, which gives property owners up to $10,000 in matching funds to harden their homes in hurricane protection. Visit


Renner was instrumental in promoting a law this year that, among other things, prohibits children under the age of 14 from having social media accounts.

“The social media bill is probably the most important thing I’ll ever work on in public life,” he said.

A study of adolescent health by the Centers for Disease Control concluded: “In 2021, almost 60% of female students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year and nearly 25% made a suicide plan.”

Those statistics alarmed Renner and motivated him to take action, he said. The law has been controversial because of potential free-speech challenges, but he believes the law will withstand legal scrutiny because it doesn’t limit speech, only “addictive technology.”


To increase affordability in general, the state also made many baby-related items, such as strollers, permanently tax-free. Business rent tax was also reduced.


With regard to protecting the environment, Renner praised a  gambling deal with the Seminole tribe, which will provide the state with $750 million annually to buy environmentally sensitive land and distribute grants to improve water treatment.

Water treatment is essential, but it’s often neglected by local governments, he said.

“It’s a lot sexier to show up with a big check for a community center,” Renner said. “It’s not sexy to worry about the pipes that run underneath our homes.”

The new funding, he said, “is a fantastic opportunity for local governments.”


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