- March 14, 2025
Dear Volusia County Council:
Where is your moral compass? Over $10 million for play and not a penny to protect?
Finance your motocross project privately — Not a penny of my tax dollars for a motocross facility until county can get their priorities straight and clean house with all the issues plaguing Volusia County. Quite frankly, you are like children not finishing their chores and moving onto some other course of grandeur. I cannot run my business without a short and long term plan (6 months to three years). If my business was land growth and development, I would imagine that would include reviewing current undeveloped parcel zoning in reasonable intervals as time and development progressed to ensure it continued to make sense in comparison to the built-out areas (i.e. I-2 Industrial for Belvedere
Terminals in the middle of residential, business, airport with training schools, children's Sport Complex.)
Theory versus Reality. I am certain everything looked good on paper with the marriage of Ormond Crossings, but here we are more than 10 years later, with one large yet lonely building there, Security First Insurance.
Let me ask the obvious. What business/residential developer would move there now in such close proximity to a potential fuel farm endangering their financial interests, employee safety and exposing themselves to unprecedented traffic.
My tax dollars pay for your salaries as attention to my business flounders (my income to pay taxes and feed my family) while I spend my time following the way you are not protecting your residents. It is clear you are placed in service by those for whom you can provide favor — a sad state of affairs and based on your past performance, I am certain this will fall on deaf ears. Common sense is not so common anymore.
Cecilia List
Ormond Beach
Editor's note: This letter was addressed as an open letter to the Volusia County Council.