- March 12, 2025
Flagler County's new School Board: Vice Chair Christy Chong, Chair Will Furry, Derek Barrs, Lauren Ramirez and Janie Ruddy. Photo by Brent Woronoff
New Flagler County School Board member Lauren Ramirez and her family are sworn in by County Judge Melissa Distler. Photo by Brent Woronoff
New Flagler County School Board member Janie Ruddy is sworn in by County Judge Melissa Distler as Ruddy's family looks on. Photo by Brent Woronoff
New Flagler County School Board member Derek Barrs (left) is sworn in by County Judge Melissa Distler as Sheriff Rick Staly holds the Bible. Photo by Brent Woronoff
Will Furry is sworn is as Flagler County School Board chair by County Judge Melissa Distler. Photo by Brent Woronoff
Christy Chong is sworn in as Flagler County School Board vice chair by County Judge Melissa Distler. Photo by Brent Woronoff
Flagler Schools Superintendent LaShakia Moore, School Board members Christy Chong, Will Furry, Derek Barrs, Lauren Ramirez, Janie Ruddy and Student School Board members Jeh-Hanni Strong and Dani Nieves. Photo by Brent Woronoff
Three new Flagler County School Board members took their oaths of office and then took their seats on the dais at the board’s Nov. 19 business meeting. Derek Barrs, Lauren Ramirez and Janie Ruddy were sworn in by Flagler County Judge Melissa Distler.
Ramirez and Ruddy were elected in the Aug. 20 Primary Election. Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed Barrs to the board on Oct. 30 to complete Sally Hunt’s term. Hunt resigned on Sept. 20.
Barrs ran for the board’s District 3 seat, vacated by the retiring Colleen Conklin, but lost to Ruddy by just 290 votes in a race in which 24,812 ballots were cast.
The new board's first order of business was to elect a chair and vice chair. Will Furry will continue to serve as the board’s chair for a second year, while Christy Chong will serve as vice chair for a second year.
Chong nominated Furry to chair the board again, and with no other nominations, he was elected unanimously.
Furry then nominated Chong to be vice chair, while Ruddy nominated herself. Chong was elected by a 3-2 vote with Ruddy and Ramirez voting for Ruddy, and Barrs, Chong and Furry voting for Chong.