- March 12, 2025
Seabreeze senior Peyton Hebert (right) and Jake Deising (left) are crowned Seabreeze Homecoming court winners during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
It was a "pink-out" for Cancer Awareness Day at the Seabreeze Homecoming game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
It was a "pink-out" for Cancer Awareness Day at the Seabreeze Homecoming game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
It was a "pink-out" for Cancer Awareness Day at the Seabreeze Homecoming game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze principal Tucker Harris makes his way to the sidelines to help with the Homecoming festivities. Photo by Michele Meyers
Brady Walters (center) reacts to the announcement that he is Seabreeze freshmman royalty during halftime at the Homecoming game. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze Homecoming freshman royalty Brady Walters and Zaraphina Ann. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze Homecoming sophomore royalty Wyatt Stone and Jayda Bachman. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze Homecoming junior royalty Britton Prewitt (center) and Emilee Ruck (right) put on their sashes and a corsage during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze Homecoming junior royalty Britton Prewitt (center) and Emilee Ruck (right) put on their sashes and a corsage during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze Homecoming junior royalty Britton Prewitt (left) and Emilee Ruck (right). Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Marina Donadio is part of the Homecoming senior royalty court. She is announced during halftime at the game against Mount Dora held at the Daytona Stadium. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Amanda Martin is part of the Homecoming senior royalty court. The court is announced during halftime at the game against Mount Dora held at the Daytona Stadium. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Kaleb Zahn is part of the Homecoming senior royalty court. The court is announced during halftime at the game against Mount Dora held at the Daytona Stadium. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Kaleb Zahn is part of the Homecoming senior royalty court. The court is announced during halftime at the game against Mount Dora held at the Daytona Stadium. Photo by Michele Meyers
Senior Logan Fletcher is part of the Seabreeze Homecoming royalty court announced during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Amanda Martin is part of the Homecoming senior royalty court. The court is announced during halftime at the game against Mount Dora held at the Daytona Stadium. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Peyton Hebert waves to the crowd after she is announced as part of the Homecoming senior royalty during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Peyton Hebert walks toward the crowd after she is announced as part of the Homecoming senior royalty during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze defensive back Jake Deising takes a break from football during halftime to join the Homecoming festivities as one of the senior royalty court. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Jake Deising is part of the Homecoming royalty court. He waves to the crowd after he is announced showing a scrape he got in the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
This year, Tucker Harris (second from right) is helping his big sister Finley Harris (left) and Michaela Smurdon put crowns and sashes on the Seabreeze senior royalty. Mom Kendall Harris (right) is there to make sure things go smoothly. Photo by Michele Meyers
Jake Deising and Peyton Hebert take the crowns as Seabreeze Homecoming court winners. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Peyton Hebert (right) and Jake Deising (center) are crowned Seabreeze Homecoming court winners during halftime at the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze Homecoming royalty court from left to right: Marina Donadio, Amanda Martin, winner Jake Deising, winner Peyton Hebert, Logan Fletcher and Kaleb Zahn. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze principal tucker Harris stands with the Homecoming royalty court from left to right: Marina Donadio, Amanda Martin, winner Jake Deising, winner Peyton Hebert, Logan Fletcher and Kaleb Zahn. Photo by Michele Meyers
Seabreeze senior Logan Fletcher waves as she is announced as part of the Homecoming royalty court at halftime during the game against Mount Dora. Photo by Michele Meyers