Mail theft incidents reported at Ormond Beach and surrounding U.S. Post Office locations

Police report that unidentified individuals have stolen mail from both the premises and the large blue exterior mailboxes.

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  • | 5:00 p.m. September 16, 2024
The Ormond Beach U.S. Post Office at 260 Williamson Blvd. Ormond Beach. Photo courtesy of Google Maps
The Ormond Beach U.S. Post Office at 260 Williamson Blvd. Ormond Beach. Photo courtesy of Google Maps
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The Ormond Beach Police Department is investigating a series of mail thefts at U.S. Post Office locations in Ormond Beach and surrounding areas. Unidentified individuals have stolen mail from both the premises and the large blue exterior mailboxes. These incidents have led to fraudulent activity, with stolen checks being altered and cashed.

How the Thefts Occur:

Criminals are using makeshift devices hidden inside the blue mailboxes, commonly referred to as “snorkel boxes,” to trap incoming mail. These contraptions obstruct the normal flow of mail, allowing the thieves to retrieve it later. Typically, these tools have cardboard or paper “handles” that assist in pulling the mail back out of the box.

Warning Signs:

If you notice that your mail does not feel like it has dropped to the bottom of the box, it may have been tampered with. Citizens are urged to exercise caution when using these mailboxes.

What You Can Do:

If you observe any suspicious activity near mailboxes, please notify local Post Office management and contact law enforcement immediately. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is also actively investigating these incidents.

To ensure the safety of your mail, especially items of value, both the Postal Inspection Service and the Ormond Beach Police Department encourage citizens to go inside the Post Office to drop off their mail.

Reporting Suspected Theft:

If you have been a victim of mail theft or have experienced related fraud, contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or visit to file a report.


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