Ormond Beach man robbed at gunpoint by unknown man dressed in all black

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Feb. 17

I scream for ice cream

3:55 p.m. — 600 block of West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach

Trespass. Police issued a trespass warning to a 59-year-old Ormond Beach man due to repeated inappropriate conduct at a local fast food chain restaurant.

According to a police incident report, the restaurant manager called police after the man went through the drive-thru and was denied service due to past incidents, which include him going inside the restaurant and yelling for ice cream. The restaurant staff did not call police in the past.

Though management asked him to leave the restaurant, the man only left after a customer asked him to. Police located the man at his residence and issued him the trespass warning. 

Feb. 22

Robbed at gunpoint

10:10 a.m. — 1400 block of Hand Avenue, Ormond Beach

Armed robbery. A 67-year-old Ormond Beach man was robbed at gunpoint while going for a walk outside his home.

Police report that the man opted to go for a walk because the weather was nice. As he was walking through a local parking lot, he encountered an unknown white man with a long beard wearing a black hoodie, black beanie, black cargo pants. The victim told police, according to the incident report, that the suspect extracted a pistol from his jacket pocket, pointed it at him and demanded he give him his cash, saying "give me your money!"

The victim handed over $200, which he had in his pocket. 

Police note the victim was in distress and mentioned he was not wearing his glasses, but said he would be able to identify the suspect. An employee of a nearby assisted living facility told police she saw a man matching the suspect's description, but that she had not seen the incident.

The victim wished to pursue charges.


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