Temple Beth Shalom Palm Coast Sisterhood brings pop tabs to Ronald McDonald House

The Sisterhood took an informational tour of the newly expanded Ronald McDonald House in Jacksonville.

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  • | 8:00 a.m. March 3, 2025
Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood visits Ronal McDonald House in Jacksonville. Courtesy photo
Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood visits Ronal McDonald House in Jacksonville. Courtesy photo
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Throughout the years, the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Shalom Palm Coast has promoted awareness of the Ronald McDonald House Charities by urging its members to collect the aluminum pop tabs from empty cans that the organization can recycle for cash. Though seemingly a modest project, it is a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald facilities worldwide.

On Thursday, Feb. 28, Temple Beth Shalom hired two vans to bring two large bins filled with pop tabs and 14 Sisterhood members for an informational tour to the newly expanded Ronald McDonald House in Jacksonville, located directly across the street from Nemours Children Hospital.

Ronald McDonald House Charities supports the health and well-being of critically ill children and their families by providing lodging, meals, transportation and a community of care, at no charge, while the patients are under pediatric critical care. In Jacksonville, RMHC supports Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Nemours Children’s Specialty Care, UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, UF Health Jacksonville and Brooks Rehabilitation.

RMHC relies heavily on community support. Aside from small projects like collecting pop tabs that can cover electricity and local expense bills, donations can include individuals, foundations or organizations sponsoring a room or participating in events such as the annual Golf Classic, galas and block parties. Individuals can volunteer or donate a Legacy brick or contribute items on the extensive RMHC wish list that includes food, kitchen items, household items and gift cards for Uber/Lyft, Publix, Walmart, etc., that can be offered to families who remain in the area while their children are under care.

For additional information, contact Claire at Ronald MacDonald House Jacksonville at 904-807-4663 or visit the website:


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